Minggu, 29 September 2019

Ecoprint the Tradition of Indonesia

Teakwood (tectona grandis) leaves @ Karanganyar, Jawa Tengah

Indonesia, as the greatest archipelago in the world, automatically has advantages in :

1. Biodiversity (billions species of flora and fauna).

There are more than 40,000 species of flowering plants, including 5,000 species of orchids, as well as the giant flower (Rafflesia arnoldii), the world’s largest flower. There are more than 3,000 tree species, including durian, the King of Fruit (Genus : durio, which bears large, armoured, odorous yet edible fruit; sandalwoodShorea macrophylla, which yields illipe nuts, a fruit that contains a fat substance similar to cocoa butter; and valuable timber varieties such as teak and ironwood. Woody rattan (supplejack) vines are abundant in Indonesia’s forests. 
Those plants are huge resources for natural dyes. Teakwood leaves, which abundant in Indonesia as the example, have very strong colors for natural dyes fashion. 

2. Culturediversity and Sociodiversity.

The archipelago and nature-diversity have created Indonesia to be culture-diversity. According to National Census by  Central Bureau of Statistic (the BPS) 2010, Indonesia has 1,340 tribes and etnics, mostly Java (41%). 

3. Naturediversity 

Those diversities also make Indonesia to have thousands ways to create fashion. Including the way to make colors / dyes for the fashion.
Therefore, Indonesia also has long history of natural dyes, which become treasures for the people of Indonesia and the world. And Ecoprint (Ecologycal Print) is also part of Indonesia's culture.

Sabtu, 28 September 2019

What is Ecoprint

Ecoprint, is a process to extract + transfer + fix natural dyes from natural elements (usually fresh leaves / flowers) on a sheet of fabric.
The most common transfer process are :
1. Pounding (which use hammer / kinetic equipment)
2. Steaming (which use boiling water to heats the natural pigment and compress it to the fabric)

Ecoprint the Tradition of Indonesia

Teakwood (tectona grandis) leaves @ Karanganyar, Jawa Tengah Indonesia, as the greatest archipelago in the world, automatically has adv...

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